
UML Design


A step back to research and UML, UML, UML!

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At the end of last week, I spoke to Biju (my supervisor) for some feedback on the work I had done so far. Biju suggested that I expand on some of my research. I did some looking around and found some great papers on some AR concepts that have been developed already. In an article: Handheld Augmented Reality for underground infrastructure, I found some great benefits to using AR in an outdoor work environ.

I also looked into a better approach for my design phase and came across UML 2.0. This has lead me to a flurry of designing this week, and I have already not only come up with several UML models, but also discovered what could have been flaws with the system. I have identified key points to validate the access of offline data and will be researching storage via Android this weekend to really nail down a strategy to address offline.
