
API Support


My site is now making use of the .Net MVC web API.

Old Article

This content may be out of date or broken, please take care.

Sadly a lot of my other assignments got pushed back by the work I did for Miru, and in true student fashion I worked right up to the deadline tonight. The reason for this was to create a new part of the site that would be focus a lot more on mobile clients.

If you head over to you'll be able to see for yourself! The basic premise has been to build the existing controller CRUD that already exists into a web API. Nearly all the work is done in the client side now. One thing I am going to review is how data is loaded shown, because as it stands the entire database is pretty much loaded onto your tiny phone.

I have only tested on WiFi but I should think a change to 3G (or less) would be dramatic. Interestingly when I take into account some of my recent research into NoSQL technologies, one such method is document storage in JSON. This stands a little bit in testament into how powerful JSON can actually be.

Back to Web API's though. You should find slightly longer loading times, but with that exception your device will no longer have to download entire web pages from the server every time you want to read an article, which is very neat. The mobile page also lacks Disqus comments as I have found it it to be quite a bulky load addtion to the page, and it has yet to be used. So I only have Software Architecture to go and I am fine with uni!


Also, I wrote this entire blog of my Nokia 920 Windows Phone running the dev preview of WP 8.1!
